My 2021 Goal Setting Strategy. And Why It's Different Than Last Year.

Uncategorized Dec 16, 2020

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I published an article recently on Thrive Global called The Great Pause: What It’s Teaching Us.


It’s a self-reflective piece that I share with you about my journey this year. And some of the things I’ve learned, and desire to carry forth next year.


One of those things is trusting my own inner guidance above everyone (and everything) else. Something I know I haven’t always done. 


Things like...



Seeking outside validation.

Trusting other people's opinions over my own.

Pushing hard for an outcome.

Trying to force change.

Implementing tools, and tactics that don’t bring me joy.


All of which don’t feel very good!! Right?


Well, I believe we’ve become accustomed to relying on others to show us the way. Especially when...

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4 Things We Can Learn About Business From Making Sourdough

Uncategorized Dec 09, 2020

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It’s been roughly ten months since the world came to a screeching halt due to COVID 19. And we’ve seen a lot of weird things happen such as the toilet paper shortage.

But there is one trend that stood out for me, and that was the rise in
popularity of sourdough baking. In early April my social media feed was full of people testing out their sourdough baking skills. 


With people stuck at home and baking on the rise, there wasn’t just a shortage of toilet paper. In fact, finding commercial yeast became extremely hard. Perhaps that’s why people decided to try making sourdough instead.


Sourdough is unique because it’s made with live fermented culture (i.e., flour and water), a sourdough starter, which acts as a natural leavening agent.


Now I didn’t jump on the...

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How To Create An Authentic Brand: The One Thing You're Likely Forgetting

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2020

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Have you ever caught yourself wondering how you can create an authentic brand that fully captures the essence of who you are so that your audience knows the real you?

Well, you aren’t alone. Authenticity is such a buzzword. And it’s one of the first things I often hear from people who are building a personal brand.


“Kathryn, how do I show up and own my authentic voice so that my audience sees the real me.”


Sound familiar?


Well...before I share some valuable tips for how to build an authentic brand, I want to share the one thing most people forget about and what it’s actually costing their brand.


I was recently approached by a fairly big brand (multiple 7-figure or so they say in their messaging) who was looking for a copywriter.


They slipped into my DMs...

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Halloween is Big Business: What We Can Learn From It

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2020

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I’ll never forget my worst Halloween EVERRRR!

Picture it. I was four years old with poker straight strawberry blonde hair and bright bluey green eyes.


I was a tad short for my age, but I had a fiery personality. Okay, I talked a lot and that served me well sometimes, but most of the time it got me in trouble.


All I wanted to be for Halloween was a WITCH! And I was sure to let everyone know. No princess dresses or crowns for this girl. 


And I think my mom knew that. I fought her most mornings before pre-school to leave my hair alone and not make me wear a dress.


So perhaps that’s why she didn’t think I’d mind wearing a hand-me-down costume from our neighbors. 


Perhaps she couldn’t justify spending moolah on something that was destined for...

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The BIGGEST Thing Holding You Back from Attracting More Clients

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2020

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People often approach me wanting to know how I’ve built and scaled my business so quickly. They say things like...


“What’s your secret Kathryn?”
“What are the exact steps you take?”
“Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”


I can’t help but blame the coaches and marketing gurus that use the rhetoric “secret sauce” or “cracking the code” for why entrepreneurs think they are missing something. Even worse believing that someone else has the keys to unlocking their success.


Sound familiar?


Well, I totally get it. You aren’t alone. I spent many years searching outside of myself for the answers as I chased the freedom lifestyle.


But the belief that someone else has the answers is the biggest thing holding...

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Fear of Success: How You Are Sabotaging Your Own Growth

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2020

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Imagine you've achieved everything you wanted in your life and business. Maybe it’s finally being able to buy your dream home or take that long-awaited trip.


Maybe it’s waking up each day not worrying about money or what’s in your bank account.

How does this make you feel? What thoughts start popping up? And where in your body are you experiencing tension?


For me, I know failure wasn’t the thing I feared most; it was a success. And I started seeing this very theme in my signature program the Messaging that Sells Accelerator. 


While some of the women were still scared of failure, they seemed to fear success more. 


Feeling things like:

What if this changes me?
What if I no longer have time to spend with my family?
What if I have to work harder?
What if I am not...

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Sales Aren't Icky, You're Just Making Them That Way!

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2020

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Have you caught yourself buying into the belief that sales are icky?

You know, feeling like you don’t want to be too pushy or salesy. And believe that if you talk about your products and services too much you’ll come across this way.


And I get it. When I first opened my brick and mortar I remember being bombarded by salespeople wanting me to invest in paid advertising.

They’d show up unannounced (because this is a tactic), and ask for a minute of my time. Only to jump straight into a pitch.




The people who’d send me a link to a video to watch hoping that it would do the selling for them.


And we can’t forget about the used car salesman, which has given sales a bad name.

But the truth is sales aren’t icky, pushy, or salesy. In fact, it’s a...

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Impostor Syndrome: The Truth Behind Why You're Feeling This Way

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2020

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When I first started my online business I struggled with feeling like an imposter. 


You know those feelings of…


Who am I to be doing this
What if they see me as a fraud
I feel like I need more training to be seen as an expert


Do you relate?


Even with my degrees and years of experience in the offline world I still felt like a fraud. Like I needed to accomplish more before I could take my business online.


The fear of being found out or called out scared the shit out of me. So much so, that I sat on the sidelines waiting for these feelings to go away.


Well, here’s the thing with ‘imposter syndrome’ or ‘fraud syndrome’, the majority of people experience this at some point in their career.


So if you're in the season of feeling like a...

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Niching Down: Why It's Taking You Forever

Uncategorized Aug 06, 2020

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The ideas are flowing.

You are uber excited to share your products or services with the world.

But there is one just can’t seem to nail your niche.

You’ve spent weeks, months, maybe even years going in circles. And still, you don’t have the clarity you need to create that perfect client persona.

And you’re just about ready to throw in the towel.

Sound familiar?

Well, you aren’t alone my friend. 

The majority of my clients struggle with this exact thing. And after asking some questions I’ve discovered why it takes most people (what feels like) forever. 

It’s the old-school way of niching down that keeps people stuck. Loads of marketing gurus create fancy pdfs with exercises to get to know your niche.

You’ve seen them, right?

Heck, maybe you’ve even...

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“Enoughness”: The Truth Behind Why You Never Feel Like You're Enough

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2020

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For most of my adult life, I believed my worth was measured by what I achieved, produced, and created.

The degrees.
The accolades.
The job titles.
The promotions.
The success.

Were all things that showed me and others I guess how valuable I was as a person.

How good I was.
How hardworking I was.
How smart I was.
How committed I was.
How determined I was.

Sound familiar?

When I started my online business I never quite felt like I was doing enough. I always questioned if what I was putting out into the world was good enough. And I worried that I didn’t know enough.

I honestly believed I needed more training, and more time to “perfect” my program.

Can you relate?

Well, here’s the thing about “enoughness” and why you never feel like you’re enough or worthy of your dreams. It’s all rooted...

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