Two Years Into my Business I Hit Massive Burnout

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2020

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Two years into owning my business I hit massive burnout. And not the pretty kind where you take a self-care day and everything gets better.

In fact, I didn’t even know the concept “self-care” existed. I was working 16-18 hour days, 7 days a week; and surviving off copious amounts of coffee and
one fast food meal a day!! 

I gained 40lbs and it was climbing. Chronic pain was taking over my body. Severe headaches would knock me out for days. 

At 37, my body was shutting down. My spouse of nearly 10 years looked at me and said,
“Kathryn I’m worried about you. You can’t sustain this lifestyle. Eventually you’re going to crash.”

That was my “rock bottom” moment. To hear from someone you love that they think you’re slowly harming your health was brutal.


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Needing a BIG Audience Before you can Sell Your Offer is Lie you’ve been Told

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2020

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Have you ever caught yourself believing that you need a big audience before you can sell your offer?


Maybe you think once you grow a bigger audience you’ll sell MORE.

Well you aren’t alone!!
In fact, there are thousands of emerging online entrepreneurs who believe that once they have a big enough audience they’ll start selling more offers.

And I get it. Everyone and their dog is selling a course on how to grow your social following, email list, and audience. Heck…I’ve even seen gurus promising to help you build a massive social following in 30 days. 

So it’s easy to get caught in the trap of believing that you need to grow a big audience before you’re ready to start selling your offer or selling more offers. But if this were true wouldn’t everyone with a...

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How investing in more online programs is keeping you stuck?

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2020

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Raise your hand if you’re an online expert whose taken multiple online programs, but still aren’t seeing the results you want? 

Well you aren’t alone!! In fact, there are thousands of struggling online experts who aren’t making a profit in their business. Despite having taken multiple programs that promised to help them land more clients, grow their IG, sell on social, or use FB Lives to build a profitable business. 

This is because the online coaching industry is modeled after the traditional educational system where you invest in learning from a teacher whose delivering training, modules, worksheets, and homework assignments. 

As a diligent student you do all the homework that is assigned to you. Believing this is what you have to do to grow a profitable and sustainable online...

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Waiting Until You're ‘Ready’ to Launch Your Offer is Keeping You Broke

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2020

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Most struggling online experts make the mistake of thinking that they have to get everything ready in their business before they start selling their products and services. 

Things like creating their website, getting their business cards printed, building an email list, and making sure they have enough content to share inside their program or membership.

I hate to break it to you, but this is actually the reason you’re still struggling to attract more customers, and make more money. And you and I both know that if you aren’t making money, you don’t have a business. You’ve just created an expensive hobby. 


Listen, I know why you think this. It’s a common belief that if you perfect your offer, build the backend of your business, and open your virtual doors when...

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Why investing in yourself and business is what you need if you want to earn more money.

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2020

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How long have you been trying to grow your business without investing in help? A few months? Maybe even a few years?

But it hasn’t been easy. Heck...who are you kidding you’re struggling to attract enough paying clients to contribute to the household income, or finally ditch that dreaded 9-5. 

And you’re starting to believe that maybe this isn’t going to work for you. You’ve seen others grow much quicker than you, and you can’t figure out how they did it.

I totally get it. 

Two years ago, I had this dream to start my online business. My big vision was to help emerging online experts build profitable and sustainable businesses. 

I had no idea how I was going to do it. But I knew I needed to try. With my background in marketing and communications I didn’t believe I...

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Why you might be struggling to own your voice and speak your truth?

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2020

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Have you ever felt yourself changing how you show up in this world in fear of offending someone? 

Ya know...not fully speaking your opinion, or sharing your story in case someone else gets upset or disagrees with you. 

Sometimes it feels easier to bite your tongue, or silence yourself to avoid what others might say in response.

Heck it might even look like toning down your personality, because you think it might be too bold, too direct, or too much for people to handle.

Do you agree?

Well it’s something I caught myself doing in the early days of entrepreneurship. The people pleaser in me didn’t want to make anyone else feel awkward, offended, or bad. 

So, I found myself watching what I said and did to make sure everyone else felt comfortable. 

Before I knew it I was turning myself...

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5 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience on a Deeper Level so That You Can Speak to Them in a More Impactful Way

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2020

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We all know that getting to know our audience on a deeper level is the best way to learn what they truly want and need. But yet it’s one of the things a lot of people struggle with, especially when they are first starting out. 

That is why I want to share 5 quick and easy ways to get to know your audience on a deeper level so that you can speak to them in a more impactful way.

But before we dive in I want you to think about this from the perspective of getting to know a friend for the first time. For some friends it might take a little longer to fully open up, and for others that instant connection is undeniable. 

Either way is fine, but your audience could be the same way. I just want you to keep that in mind as you get to know your community. 

So let’s dive in.

1. The Use of Story


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Why I encourage my clients to take quick action and fail as often as possible?

Uncategorized Jan 27, 2020

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It’s funny because we spend the majority of our lives trying to avoid failure.

    Failed relationships. 
    Failed businesses.
    Failed courses and exams.
    Not getting the job. 
    Not making the sports team.

Am I right?

I get it!

But failure is inevitable. We can’t actually avoid it. I mean I’d be hard pressed to find someone on this planet that hasn’t experienced some type of failure or mistake in their life.

In fact, the majority of uber successful entrepreneurs have failed at some point in their journey. And yet, they are still successful. 

Let’s take Steve Jobs for instance. He was
fired from Apple in 1985. Fired from a company he founded with his partner Steve Wozniak. 

If you’ve been fired before you know...

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4 Common Mistakes Online Coaches Make When Trying to Scale Their Business. And what’s actually preventing them from growing quicker.

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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Over the past year I’ve invested in my growth as a coach, but I’ve also had the opportunity to support some amazing women in their journey.

And I’ve spent this time observing the common mistakes coaches make when trying to scale their business. 

In fact, these mistakes are ones I’ve observed over the course of my 15 year corporate marketing and communications career. So, they aren’t exempt to just online coaching businesses. 

And I get why we experience them. It all boils down to wanting to scale before we are actually ready. 

Ya know...wanting to experience growth quickly and right now. But as you’ve heard many times before, growing a business takes time. It’s not something that happens over night and if we try to force it we’ll end up wasting loads of money...

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4 Ways to Write Email Subject Lines that Actually Get Opened

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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“Isn’t email dead, Kathryn?” is a question I hear far too often from my clients and potential clients. 

The truth is
EMAIL is alive and well and the one place you should definitely invest your energy. In fact, if you haven’t started building an email list I highly suggest you start now. 


Because your email list is something you own. It’s an asset for your business. And it allows you to build a highly engaged audience that is saying yes to wanting to hear from you.

The mistake I see most entrepreneurs make is diving feet first into the social media game spending all of their energy building a following, a following they don’t technically own. 

Now don’t get me wrong, social media has a place in your biz strategy. But let me tell you a true story. A mentor of mine...

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