Consistency: The lie you’ve been told that you believe will help you attract more clients

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020

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“How often should I post Kathryn?”
“How many emails should I send per week?”


Are two of the most common questions I get asked inside my Messaging that Sells Accelerator program.


“Consistency” is what most experts talk about. And it’s the trap most people fall into. It’s the lie you’ve been told that you believe will help you attract more clients.


Keep showing up. 
Keep creating content.
And eventually, it will pay off.


While I believe consistency is important, it’s not that important if you aren’t converting your audience from lurkers into clients.


Creating content without conversions as your end goal is just creating content without intention.




And it’s the way you’ll end up spending...

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How to Attract More Paying Clients Even in a Saturated Market

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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Kathryn I am starting to believe there are too many people doing what I want to do and that I am too late to the market” is one of the most common things I hear from my audience.

And while that may be the case...that there are a lot of people doing what you want to do, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing or that you are too late.

In fact, entering a market with people in it means your product or service is viable. But it also means you must learn to stand out among the crowd if you want to build a profitable and sustainable business.

So how do you stand out? 

The thing is creating compelling messaging that positions your product or service differently from your competitors is the fastest way to stand out and attract more customers.

And I want to share four quick steps to lay the foundation...

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Five Minutes to Famous Review: How It Helped Me Pitch with Confidence and Use Media to Attract More Clients

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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“What if” is the killer of most dreams.

What if they say no?
What if they think my story stinks?
What if I never get published?
What if they hate my work?

I caught myself saying all of these things before joining
Five Minutes to Famous.

Even though I knew that being featured in major publications was an amazing way to build credibility, and attract new clients.

It was my inner critic that stopped me for years from getting the help I needed to boost my confidence to pitch stories to the media.

Can you relate?

Well you’re not alone. It’s not easy putting ourselves out there if we know there is a chance of being rejected.


What do I say?
How do I write pitches?
Who do I send it to?
How long do I wait until I follow-up?

Heck, I don’t even know the first thing about being my own publicist. And I...

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3 Lessons I've Learned from Launching My Businesses

Uncategorized May 25, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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I'll never forget my first two launches.

They flopped big time...or so I thought. And after each one I was so drained I could hardly imagine getting back up and doing it all over again.

I mean why would anyone want to subject themselves to that kind of emotional roller coaster.

Well here is the thing...entrepreneurship is exactly that. And how well we ride the ups and downs is what matters.

Failure is one of our greatest lessons, yet we attach so many negative feelings and meanings to it that we often let it consume us.

And I don't want that for you. That is why I am sharing the three big lessons I’ve learned from launching my businesses so that you can avoid the mistakes I’ve made in the early stages of startup.

1. Get Back Up Quickly

I know my business would have experienced quicker growth had I got back...

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Imagine for a moment you believed things would work out...

Uncategorized May 19, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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Do you ever catch yourself wondering will this actually work? 


What if this doesn’t work?


I spent a good part of my early entrepreneurial days operating from the belief that things wouldn’t work, and I needed to do everything in my power to prove they could.


If I’m being honest it was exhausting. 


I was working on overdrive desperately trying to prove to myself and others that my business idea wasn’t stupid, and it was worth ditching my high-paying corporate career.


And I’d often talk myself out of going after what I really wanted, in fear of failing.


Please tell me I’m not alone…


The thing don’t actually know the outcome until you try. No matter how convincing your mind is, it doesn’t know for...

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Why I hate the question, what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Uncategorized May 11, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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I cringe each time I hear this question, “what would you do if you couldn’t fail?”


Yup...I hate this question. It’s also a question I used to ask people.

So for the longest time I didn’t want to admit I hated it, because I didn’t want to be called out for changing my mind.

But it’s okay to outgrow how we used to do things. As we evolve it’s normal to shift and change our own perspectives. 

It doesn’t make you inauthentic, or fake. It makes you REAL. The same person we are right now doesn’t have to be the same person we were two years ago.

So the reason I started to hate this question is because I don’t believe our journey on earth is void of failure.

I actually believe failure is part of the process. But asking someone, “what would they...

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What it takes to create a 5-figure launch

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2020


There is nothing worse than pouring your heart and soul into launching your product or service only to have little to no one buy it.

Am I right?

Well I know I’ve launched a few times to crickets and it sucked. But I learned so much about why I was unable to create consistent 5-figure launches.

If I am being completely honest, what I am going to share below will not only help you create consistent 5-figure launches it will set you up to create 6 and 7-figure launches.

Those two things that actually play a major factor in attracting more paying clients are your messaging and offer. 

If you aren’t experiencing the results you desire, it doesn’t mean your offer sucks. It just means your messaging doesn’t position your offer in a way that showcases its irresistible value to the right people at the right time.


If you’re struggling to create consistent income in your business you’re likely making one or more of the six common...

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How the value of what we offer doesn’t come from how-to content, it comes from this...

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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It’s interesting, because I used to believe that the more how-to content I produced the more value I was giving my audience.

And like so many content creators, I was on this endless loop of always having to create something. Doing my best to ‘teach’ my audience what I thought they needed to know.

While I love to write and express myself creatively, I started to feel my own sense of overwhelm from all the content flying around.

Do this…
Don’t do that…
Try this…
Here’s another way…
Download my freebie…
Listen to my podcast....

I started to hear a collective response from my clients saying, they’ve tried everything, and downloaded so many freebies.  And they are starting to get overwhelmed with all the information.

Not sure what the right next best step is...

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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit if You aren’t Seeing the Results Fast Enough

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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It’s not easy to stay the course when we aren’t seeing the results we want fast enough. I remember my first launch like it was yesterday.

I actually didn’t follow through with the launch because I didn’t think I was getting the results I expected at the time, and therefore, believed it was going to be a failure. There wasn’t a lot of engagement (or so I thought) and I didn’t have a lot of people sign up. 

So I made the decision to scrap it. Believing that maybe I needed to learn more, and grow a
bigger audience before I could have a successful launch.

And that’s exactly what I did. I put my head down and learned everything I could about the online coaching space, and I devoted a lot of my energy to growing my email list and social media following.

This way I would be...

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The lesson I learned the hard way about entrepreneurship, and why I think it prepared me for COVID-19.

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2020

Too busy to read this blog...well I’ve got your back friend. I’ve recorded an audio clip, so you can listen to it easily.

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The first two years of full-time entrepreneurship were the hardest. I shared on my last blog how I hit massive burnout, and not the pretty kind either.

Nothing a pedicure or massage would fix. I was barely surviving and I knew something had to change.

But what?

It was so ingrained in me that hard work pays off, and if I just keep pushing harder you’ll achieve success.

This belief is also what caused me to get very sick. The exhaustion from working 16-18 hour days, and living off of fast food came to a crashing halt right before the summer of 2018.

I could barely get out of bed in the morning. My days were a blur. I was forgetting little things like responding to email requests, and I was missing deadlines.

All things that came naturally to me for years. And things I prided myself on. I was losing control. Like a...

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